Coolies of the Guyana

Film: How Britain Reinvented Slavery, BBC, 2005
58min 30sec Dir: Deep Sehgal

You can watch more about the Coolies of the Caribbean in this 2005 BBC documentary, How Britain Reinvented Slavery, which reveals the story of Indian indentured labour in the British Empire. The documentary includes footage of Professor David Dabydeen, whose great-grandfather was an indentured labourer, researching his family history at the National Archives of Guyana.

You can find out more about Guyanese family history from the Guyanese Genealogy Yahoo Group and Guyana/British Guiana Genealogical Society.

More Information:
How Britain Reinvented Slavery

Guyanese Genealogy Yahoo Group

The Guyana/British Guiana Genealogical Society

East Indians of the Caribbean

Film: Early East Indians of the Caribbean
courtesy of

The story of over half a million of East Indians transported to the Caribbean between 1838 and 1916 is often one that is left untold. The slideshow above has come astounding early photographs of Indians in Guyana, Trinidad and Suriname.